Are Humans Mammals?

Are Humans Mammals?

Are Humans Mammals?
when we look at our Humans/Sapiens anatomical build up, and compare this with the 5,000 other mammals that exist, not to mention Birds & Amphibians, even Fish,  we mainly find the same “Central System”, this in a big variety of proportions due to the “kind of food” required & where the creature will live, see “Skeleton model” of us, a horse, cat, Rabbit, Otter, even Dinosaures  ☺

Are Humans Mammals?

When we compare the anatomy of humans (Homo sapiens) to the anatomy of around 5,000 other mammals, as well as birds, amphibians, and fish, we notice something interesting. Despite differences in size and shape, we all share a common “Central System.” This means that whether you’re looking at the skeleton of a human, horse, cat, rabbit, otter, or even a dinosaur, you’ll see similarities in how our bodies are put together. These similarities vary depending on what kind of food the animal eats and where it lives.

These findings suggest that our anatomical similarities are due to shared evolutionary traits, adapted to suit different dietary needs and habitats.

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